This report will provide you a lot of insights about the 3D Printing industry. Globally, the market is maturing with an increasing average budget and a growing return on investment. 3D Printing remains mostly used for product development, and plastic is still the most used material. We also made a special focus on metal 3D printing to understand better the changes it can bring to the industry.
Our annual State of 3D Printing survey is a great opportunity for Sculpteo to provide you powerful data about the additive manufacturing industry. Our principal aim is to give you the keys to understand what is at stake in this dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. We opened the survey in January 2017 and we received nearly 1,000 respondents from 62 different countries, from all industries.
With this report, you will also learn more about the differences between American and European users of 3D Printing, and between different sectors. We also compared the results to our previous study, in order to analyze the evolution of the 3D Printing industry. You will also find tips to help you with your business strategy.
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