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Globally, 3D Printing users are increasing their expenses in 2016 as they did in 2015, as they use 3D Printing as a competitive advantage in product development but also for production. 3D Printing is used for more purposes and by more people in the company. 3D Printing users are looking for hiring additive manufacturing experts that can push their efficiency one step further.

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Sculpteo surveyed nearly 1,000 3D printing users and professionals at virtually all levels, across all industries, and around the world. We asked what they do, why they do it, how they do it, and if it's working. This report breaks it all down.

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More than just a report, the State of 3D Printing is a practical guide to CEO’s, engineers, designers, marketers, educators and hobbyists to make sure they ask themselves the right questions and show them what best practice looks like in their industry.

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